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Strategic Alien Removal Programme (SARP)

Here’s an update from last month on how our teams are progressing.

These RED areas indicate the 1375.23 HA that have received treatment since March 2023 to date – the excellent rain and sunshine has stimulated regrowth of wattle. In particular areas that were treated early 2023 will require a follow soon.

  1. ORANGE: 195.55 HA that has teams currently in-field doing follow-up on them.
  2. BLUE: The blue areas on the map signify the upcoming clearing locations planned by the SARP alien plant removal programme. 
  3. YELLOW: The yellow sections on the map represent the 12 hectares that underwent initial clearing using the TigerCat in November 2023.
  4. GREEN: The green areas on the map represent pilot sites.

Our team has got off to a good start this year and we are excited to share the progression of the SARP work throughout the year.

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